Men Have Called Her Crazy memoir van Anna Marie Tendler

Anna Marie Tendler Men Have Called Her Crazy recensie, review en informatie van de inhoud van de memoir over de psychische problemen van de Amerikaanse kunstenares. Op 13 augustus 2024 verschijnt bij Uitgeverij Simon & Schuster het autobiografische boek van Anna Marie Tendler. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de schrijfster en over de uitgave. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling verkrijgbaar.

Anna Marie Tendler Men Have Called Her Crazy recensie en review

  • “Equally evocative and devastating.” (Wilson Wong, New York Times Book Review)
  • “An intensive, conversational portrait of one woman’s battle with mental illness…The author’s calm, affable narration belies the seriousness of her condition, and the striking detail she provides offers readers a clear sense of the rigorous inpatient psychotherapy process meant to disarm anxiety and return a sense of normalcy. While Tendler admits that her condition is a lifelong struggle, the book ends on a hopeful note, with the author on the path to maintaining a happy, structured life.” (Kirkus Reviews)

Anna Marie Tendler Men Have Called Her Crazy

Men Have Called Her Crazy

  • Auteur: Anna Marie Tendler (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: memoir
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Simon & Schuster
  • Verschijnt: 13 augustus 2024
  • Omvang: 304 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook
  • Prijs: $ 29,99 / $ 14,99
  • Boek bestellen bij Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de memoir van Anna Marie Tendler

A powerful memoir that reckons with mental health as well as the insidious ways men impact the lives of women.

In early 2021, popular artist Anna Marie Tendler checked herself into a psychiatric hospital following a year of crippling anxiety, depression, and self-harm. Over two weeks, she underwent myriad psychological tests, participated in numerous therapy sessions, connected with fellow patients and experienced profound breakthroughs, such as when a doctor noted, “There is a you inside that feels invisible to those looking at you from the outside.”

In Men Have Called Her Crazy, Tendler recounts her hospital experience as well as pivotal moments in her life that preceded and followed. As the title suggests, many of these moments are impacted by men: unrequited love in high school; the twenty-eight-year-old she lost her virginity to when she was sixteen; the frustrations and absurdities of dating in her mid-thirties; and her decision to freeze her eggs as all her friends were starting families.

This stunning literary self-portrait examines the unreasonable expectations and pressures women face in the 21st century. Yet overwhelming and despairing as that can feel, Tendler ultimately offers a message of hope. Early in her stay in the hospital, she says, “My wish for myself is that one day I’ll reach a place where I can face hardship without trying to destroy myself.” By the end of the book, she fulfills that wish.

Anna Marie Tendler (9 juni 1985, Bethel, Connecticut) is an artist and writer. She holds a master’s degree in costume studies from New York University. She lives in Connecticut with her three cats, Chimney, Moon, and Butter.

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