Emily Forever roman van de Noorse schrijfster Maria Navarro Skaranger

Maria Navarro Skaranger Emily Forever recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de roman van de Noorse schrijfster. Op 4 juni 2024 verschijnt bij uitgeverij World Editions de Engelse vertaling van de roman Emily Forever van de uit Noorwegen afkomstige schrijfster Maria Navarro Skaranger. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de Noorse roman, de schrijfster en over de uitgave. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van het boek verkrijgbaar of aangekondigd.

Maria Navarro Skaranger Emily Forever recensie

Als er in de media een boekbespreking, recensie of review verschijnt van Emily Forever, de roman van de Noorse schrijfster Maria Navarro Skaranger, dan besteden we er op deze pagina aandacht aan.

  • “A powerful, sharply written novel about finding value in the life you have.” (Adresseavisen)
  • “Skaranger’s third novel hits the mark. Emily Forever is a novel about a young soul in a terrifying situation, written with integrity and a distinctive approach. Skaranger draws up young characters in the beautiful/ugly landscapes of East Oslo with an impressive lightness and authenticity.” (NRK, Noorse omroep)
  • “Emily Forever makes room for a person who isn’t usually enclosed by language and literature. What makes it so magnificent is that Maria Navarro Skaranger refrains from turning Emily into a representative for this or that. When I read the novel for the third time, I realized that I had to let go, but also that the ice-cold times we live in produce a desire for living literature. Emily. Look at her and think for yourself.” (Dagens Nyheter, Zweedse krant)
  • “Again, it’s Skaranger’s distinctive literary sense that makes this book shine. The author portrays pregnancy, birth, and the postnatal period with her very own vitality, irony, and poetry. The author’s alertness to the material details of class differences is perhaps at its highest in Emily Forever and is accompanied by a finely tuned depiction of caregiving. With literary authority Maria Navarro Skaranger has succeeded in writing a tight, short novel rich in themes and motives. In this way she assumes her place among the greats with confidence and a great naturalness.” (Margunn Vikingstad, Morgenbladet)
  • “Emily Forever presents its young, pregnant, working-class protagonist through a kaleidoscope. The sharpness of the details describing Emily’s changing life are softly satirical—and her dulled responses leave her something of an enigma. A quietly rebellious novel that sees Emily through the lens of others, the 19-year-old expectant mother refuses to grasp for something to make meaning of her life, stubbornly defying societal expectations.” (Electric Literature)

Maria Navarro Skaranger Emily Forever

Emily Forever

  • Auteur: Maria Navarro Skaranger (Noorwegen)
  • Soort boek: Noorse roman
  • Origineel: Emily forever (2021)
  • Engelse vertaling: Martin Aitken
  • Uitgever: World Editions
  • Verschijnt: 4 juni 2024
  • Omvang: 151 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Prijs: € 17,99 / € 10,99
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van de roman van Maria Navarro Skaranger

Em’s nineteen years old and pregnant. Her boyfriend Pablo has gone out “to take care of something” and hasn’t returned. Her mother, who raised Emily alone, moves into the little apartment to help. Meanwhile, Em’s neighbour, who may or may not be a clergyman, wonders if it’s normal to be so infatuated with someone you’ve never spoken to. Em’s boss at the supermarket might have feelings for her too, if only she’d notice. Emily Forever is a poignant, achingly hard-hitting book about class and about digging deep to find what it takes to get by. At the same time, it’s a deeply original exploration of how a girl like Emily is seen from the outside, by those who think they know who she is and how her life is supposed to pan out. Empathetic and quizzical, and scathingly humorous, Emily Forever is a novel of unyielding solidarity and smoldering social dissent, by a new star of Scandinavian literature.

Maria Navarro Skaranger (Oslo, 27 april 1994) made her debut in 2015 with Alle utlendinger har lukka gardiner “All Foreigners Keep Their Curtains Closed.” Hailed for its prose—a groundbreaking and highly stylized immigrant-influenced Oslo vernacular—the book was nominated for the Tarjei Vesaas First Book Award and also won the Debut Prize 2015. Her acclaimed second novel, Bok om sorg “Book of Grief,” was awarded the Oslo Prize and the EU Prize for Literature. Skaranger won the Missing Voice Prize 2022 for her latest novel, Emily Forever, her international breakthrough.

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