Alan Taylor – American Civil Wars

Alan Taylor American Civil Wars recensie en review van het Engelstalige boek over de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Op 21 mei 2024 verschijnt bij uitgeverij W.W. Norton & Co het boek over de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlogen, geschreven door de Amerikaanse historicus en professor aan de University of Virginia, Alan Taylor. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het geschiedenisboek, de schrijver en over de uitgave. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van het boek verkrijgbaar of aangekondigd.

Alan Taylor American Civil Wars recensie

Als er in de media een review, recensie of boekbespreking verschijnt van het geschiedenisboek American Civil Wars, A Continental History, 1850-1873, geschreven door Alan Taylor, dan besteden we er op deze paguna aandacht aan.

  • “Taylor is a formidable historian and masterly writer. He briskly disposes of some persistent myths about the Civil War, …[and] as for anyone who believes that the current turbulence on the U.S.-Mexican border is an anomaly, they will be edified by Taylor’s account of how Texans attacked Mexico for offering freedom to runaway slaves.” (Thomas E. Ricks, New York Times Book Review)
  • “Taylor…offers compelling new insights…. [His] transnational approach reveals the often unnoticed connections between America’s war over slavery’s future and the concurrent battles for individual rights in Mexico and Canada.” (Amanda Brickell Bellows, Wall Street Journal)

Alan Taylor American Civil Wars

American Civil Wars

A Continental History, 1850-1873

  • Auteur: Alan Taylor (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: Amerikaanse geschiedenis
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: W.W. Norton & Co
  • Verschijnt: 21 mei 2024
  • Omvang: 560 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook
  • Prijs: $39.99
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Libris

Flaptekst van het boek over de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlogen van Alan Taylor

A masterful history of the Civil War and its reverberations across the continent by a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner.

In a fast-paced narrative of soaring ideals and sordid politics, of civil war and foreign invasion, the award-winning historian Alan Taylor presents a pivotal twenty-year period in which North America’s three largest countries—the United States, Mexico, and Canada—all transformed themselves into nations. The American Civil War stands at the center of the story, its military history and the drama of emancipation the highlights. Taylor relies on vivid characters to carry the story, from Joseph Hooker, whose timidity in crisis was exploited by Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in the Union defeat at Chancellorsville, to Martin Delany and Mary Ann Shadd Cary, Black abolitionists whose critical work in Canada and the United States advanced emancipation and the enrollment of Black soldiers in Union armies.

The outbreak of the Civil War created a continental power vacuum that allowed French forces to invade Mexico in 1862 and set up an empire ruled by a Habsburg archduke. This inflamed the ongoing power struggle between Mexico’s Conservatives—landowners, the military, the Church—and Liberal supporters of social democracy, led ably by Benito Juarez. Along the southwestern border Mexico’s Conservative forces made common cause with the Confederacy, while General James Carleton violently suppressed Apaches and Navajos in New Mexico and Arizona. When the Union triumph restored the continental balance of power, French forces withdrew, and Liberals consolidated a republic in Mexico.

Canada was meantime fending off a potential rupture between French-speaking Catholics in Quebec and English-speakers in Ontario. When Union victory raised the threat of American invasion, Canadian leaders pressed for a continent-wide confederation joined by a transcontinental railroad. The rollicking story of liberal ideals, political venality, and corporate corruption marked the dawn of the Gilded Age in North America.

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